7 Steps Forward™
“The seven most important steps any leader can take to gain the trust and respect of those they lead. Applying the 7SF framework leads the highest performance from everyone on the team”
— Ben Ward, Founder of Forward Leadership
The Model
If you lead a team of any kind, this Proven 7-Step Framework (“7SF”) will help you connect with the people you lead, in a way that ignites the best within them.
“7SF” is hands down the most comprehensive leadership training available anywhere. This experiential leadership framework teaches the winning mindset, heartset, feetset, skillset and toolset for gaining the respect of those you lead. With 7SF, learn how to draw out the best within those you lead to achieve your organization's greatest results.
Lead with Confidence
virtual Leadership Masterclass / Online Course
Right of Passage as a leader of influence
Earn the respect of your team
Lead your team to success